
Hafa Adai, Tirow Wóómi and Welcome to Grace Christian Academy!

We are pleased you are with us this school year and trust it will be a memorable and exciting educational experience. Grace Christian Academy has set “excellence” as its goal in every area of the school’s program. The staff and faculty have worked very hard toward that goal, and we are very pleased and humbled with how well the program has developed over the years. We believe what makes Grace Christian Academy what it is today is its Christian philosophy of education. The Christian faith and the truth taught in the Bible form every policy and decision we make, whether it is the uniform policy, discipline policy, curricular choices, or personnel recruitment. The Christian faith is the heart of GCA and the reason for its excellence.


The Scripture teaches that the education of children is primarily the responsibility of the parents (Deut. 6:6–9). We believe the instructions of the church, school and government exist to help, but the ultimate responsibility for the education of the child belongs to mom and dad. It is for this reason that we as a school have gone to great lengths to inform our parents about our program at GCA.


We take seriously the trust you place in us. Second, only to parents, we as a school have a tremendous impact on the thinking, beliefs, and values of our children. Because of this, it is imperative that you are not only aware of what we teach, but are in agreement as well. This handbook provides information about the school’s philosophy, Expected School-Wide Learning Results (ESLRS), policies, and procedures that one can refer to throughout the school year. If you have questions about any policy, please feel free to contact us and let us know. Our staff and faculty will respond quickly.

In closing, thank you again for your confidence and trust. We look forward to a great year together as we strive toward Christian excellence for your children. God bless you.

The Board & Administration